The Main Scientific Fields of the Institute


The principal directions of scientific research for the Institute have been approved by the resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences #301 from 22 April, 2008 and introduced into the Charter of the EIE SB RAS, as approved by the decree of the Federal Agency of scientific organizations from 04.12.2014 #1132:

  • Development of general economic theory that includes mathematical methods and system statistics; study of production dynamics and structural shifts in the economy of Russia.

  • Study of regularities and factors of economic development of Russia, institutional and social dynamics of present-day society.

  • Public regional policy; territorial governance and complex development of Siberia; modeling the spatial structure of economic development.

Within the three established directions, research pursues the four priorities of the Program of fundamental scientific research in the Russian Federation over a long-term period (2021-2030) and 8 scientific projects.


Person/s in charge

The draft subject name 

The principal priority of fundamental and exploratory research

Cand. Sci. (Sociology) T.Yu. Bogomolova, Cand. Sci. (Sociology) O.P. Fadeeva

Actors, drivers, consequences of social changes in the present-day society: theory and empirics 5.2.1. Sociology ( Social dynamics of Russian society under a growing diversity of inequalities)

Doc. Sci. (Econ.) N.I. Suslov 

Integration and interaction of mesoeconomic systems and markets in Russia and its Eastern parts: methodology, analysis, forecasting

5.6.1. Economic theory ( Developing a single system theory and modeling tools, operation, evolution, and interaction of socio-economic objects of macro-, meso-, and microeconomic level (theories and models of socioeconomic synthesis)
Doc. Sci. (Econ.) N.A. Kravchenko Theory and methodology of research into sustainable development in the economic sector of high-tech and science-based companies in the context of global external challenges, technological, organizational, and institutional shifts 5.6.1. Economic theory ( Developing a single system theory and modeling tools, operation, evolution, and interaction of socio-economic objects of macro-, meso-, and microeconomic level (theories and models of socioeconomic synthesis)
Academician of RAS V.A. Kryukov Resource-rich territories of Russia’s East and Arctic zones: peculiar processes of interaction and interconnection between regional economies under contemporary conditions of scientific-technological and social challenges 5.6.3. Spatial economics ( Mechanisms of shaping a new model of spatial development of the economy of Russian federation that ensures sustainable development and connectedness of its territories in the face of global challenges of XXI century)

Academician of RAS V.V. Kuleshov,

Academician of RAS  V.A. Kryukov 

Driving forces and mechanisms of cooperation and integration processes in the economy of Siberia 5.6.3. Spatial economics ( Mechanisms of shaping a new model of spatial development of the economy of Russian federation that ensures sustainable development and connectedness of its territories in the face of global challenges of XXI century)

Doc. Sci. (Econ.) V.Ye. Seliverstov,

Doc. Sci. (Econ.) A.S. Novoselov

Regional and municipal strategic planning and management in the face of upgrading public regional policy and digital economy development  5.6.3. Spatial economics ( Mechanisms of shaping a new model of spatial development of the economy of Russian federation that ensures sustainable development and connectedness of its territories in the face of global challenges of XXI century)

Corresponding member of RAS     V.I. Suslov,

Doc. Sci. (Econ.) Ye.A. Kolomak

Tools, technologies and results of analysis, modeling and forecasting of spatial development of Russia’s socio-economic system and its particular territories  5.6.6. Mathematical and instrumental methods in economics including computer modeling and forecasting ( Methodology of system modeling of interacting macroeconomic and spatial factors of socio-economic development of Russian federation)

Doc. Sci. (Econ.) A.V. Alexeyev,

Doc. Sci. (Econ.) A.O. Baranov

Methods and models that justify the strategy of economic development of Russia in the context of changing macroeconomic reality 5.6.6. Mathematical and instrumental methods in economics including computer modeling and forecasting ( Methodology of system modeling of interacting macroeconomic and spatial factors of socio-economic development of Russian federation)

Archive of research directions 2013-2020 



Analysis and modeling of the influence from the economy of knowledge and information technologies onto the structural shifts, economic growth and quality of life.


170.1.1. Innovative and ecological aspects of structural transformation of Russian economy in new geopolitical environment (Alexey Alexeev, doctor of science in economics)

170.1.2. Theoretical foundations for innovative economy: operational definitions, measurements, models, technological forecasts and programs  (Victor Suslov, corresponding member of RAS)



Methods of macro-economic measurement.


171.1.1. Development of program complexes and information systems for analysis and forecast of socio-economic process, their testing and implementation in theoretical and applied research (Victor Suslov, Corresponding member of the RAS).

171.1.2. Study of mechanisms of spatial evolution and modeling of spatial system development (Evgenia Kolomak, doctor of science in economics)



Development of integral system theory and tools for modeling function, evolution and interaction of social-economic objects of nano-, micro-, and mezzo- economic level (theories and models of socio-economic synthesis)


172.1.1. Integration and interaction of sector systems and markets in Russia and its Eastern regions: restrictions and opportunities (Nikita Suslov, doctor of science in economics, Alexander Sokolov, candidate of science in economics)

172.1.2. Scientific foundations of regional cluster policy of Russia  (Leonid Markov, doctor of science in economics; Miron Yagolnitser, candidate of science in economics)

172.1.3. Theory and methods of strategic management of high tech business as basis for new industrialization (Natalia Kravchenko, doctor of science in economics)



Development of strategy transforming the socio-economic space and promoting territorial development of Russia.


173.1.1. Project/Program Approach in State Regional Policy and in Regional Strategic Planning and Management: Methodology, Practice, Institutions (Vyacheslav Seliverstov, doctor of science in economics, Vladimir Klistorin, doctor of science in economics)

173.1.2. Strategic management of regional and municipal development: the concept and principles of implementation (Alexander Novoselov, doctor of science in economics)



Elaboration of proposals for the public policy of integrated development of Siberia, the North and the Far East.


174.1.1. Economy of Siberia and its Regions Among the External and Internal Challenges and Threats: Methodology, Trends, Forecasts (academician Valery KuleshovVyacheslav Seliverstov, doctor of science in economics)

174.1.2. Fundamental approaches for developing interconnections between principal participants of mineral resource exploration of the Asian part of Russia under global challenges of XXI century (Valery Kryukov, corresponding member of the RAS)

174.1.3. Methodological approach to forecasting the development of problematic regions in the Asian part of Russia on the basis of a set of optimization, simulation and agency spatial models (Vladimir Malov, doctor of science in economics)



Social changes in reforming Russia: transformation of social structure, dynamics of mass consciousness and socio-political processes.


179.1.1. Social aspects of demographic and food security of Russia and Siberian regions (Svetlana Soboleva, doctor of science in economics, Olga Fadeeva, candidate  of science in sociology)

179.1.2. Conditions and incentives for human development in the areas of employment and education (guided by Irina Kharchenko, candidate of science in sociology)

179.1.3. Russian society on the move: institutional environment, structures, practices and subjects of social change (Tatiana Bogomolova, candidate of science in sociology).



II.1/XI. 170. Elaboration of methods of cognitive modeling and evaluation of economic security in growth of macro- and mezzo-economic indicators (a part of the project ‘Evaluation of strategic decisions in complex socio-economic systems: cognitive approach’) (Valery Kuleshov, academician,  д.э.н. Alexey Alekseev, doctor of science in economics)

II.1/XI. 170. National-economic evaluation of opportunities for developing a new type of land transportation – VLTS (a part of the project ‘The concept, feasibility and main principles of setting up vacuum-levitation transportation system in Russia’ (Vladimir Malov, doctor of science in economics)

II.1/XI. 170. Developing the concept of integrative interaction in regional scientific and innovative systems (a part of the project ‘Transformation of scientific research results into breakthrough technologies and innovative products: strategic priorities, integrative interaction, institutional conditions (the case of institutes of the Siberian branch of the RAS)’ (Vyacheslav Seliverstov, doctor of science in economics)

II.1/XI. 171. Setting up basic model-methodological components of software product for implementing development of normative models of spatial development. (a part of the project ‘Approaches to development of strategies and programs of socio-economic development of Siberian regions of resource type with extreme natural climatic conditions’) (Victor Suslov, Corresponding member of the RAS).

II.1/XI. 171. Cultural diversity and economic-geographical mechanisms of spatial development of Siberia (a part of the project “Economic-geographical, ethnocultural and historic-demographical mechanisms of spatial development of Siberia’ (Evgenia Kolomak, doctor of science in economics)



Project I.55/XI.174 Evolution of economy management in the Arctic (Valery Kryukov, corresponding member of the RAS)