International cooperation

International scientific relations are important part of activities of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS. As far back as in the soviet period the Institute was accomplishing the intensive cooperation with the scientists of different countries, and it was most fruitful in the field of the regional science. Here especially professor Mark Bandman, doctor of science in economics, deserves a special credit since due to his recognized international authority it was possible to establish efficient interaction with the scientists-regionalists from the USA, France, Germany and countries of the socialist block. On this base a whole set of Soviet-American, Soviet-Polish and Soviet-Bulgarian conferences and seminars on regional problems have been conducted, and that sufficiently promoted the reputation of the Institute in the international scientific community. Academician Alexander Granberg made a big contribution into arranging the international relations of the Institute, both within the scientific interaction in the field of mathematical modeling of economic processes with the leading scientists of the world, and also in the field of regional science.
After the break-up of the USSR, for strengthening the international relations of the Institute and in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, the Siberian International Center of Regional Studies has been created on the Institute’s base. It was registered as a legal body on May 12, 1992. Vyacheslav Seliverstov, deputy director of the Institute, doctor of science in economics, has become the director of the Center. The Center was an independent non-governmental, non-commercial organization, had the right of legal entity and had its own balance sheet, ruble and hard currency accounts in the Russian banks. The founders of the Center were represented by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) and the Ministry of Science, High School and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation. During the years of its existence (till 2008) the Center has accomplished the important joint projects with universities and scientific centers of the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany.
At present the Institute interacts with 23 foreign scientific organizations, i.e. research centers and universities of the European countries, the US, Canada, China, Japan, Southern Korea, Mongolia, countries of the post-soviet space. This cooperation is performed both within the inter-institutional programs and projects and also on the individual base, when the fellows of the Institute participate in foreign internship and in realization of individual or group grant projects. The Institute is a collective member of the International Association of Centers for Federalism Research. The leading fellows of the Institute are members of the editorial boards of foreign journals, academician Valery Kuleshov is an honorary professor of the Heilongjiang provincial Academy of social Sciences (China).
During the last ten years the Institute is a participant of the following international programs and projects:
- The Russian-Canadian Program “Exchange of Experience in Managing the Northern Territories”. The main partners of this Program from the Russian side are represented by the Administrative Office of the Authorized Representative of the Russian Federation President in the Siberian Federal District and administrations of the Siberian Units of the Russian Federation. From the Canadian side the Program partners are represented by the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples and Development of the Canadian North (AANDC), Forum of Federations, University of Toronto, and University of Eastern Ontario. The Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the SB RAS is performing the scientific accompanying support of this Program. Within this work more than ten conferences, seminars and round-tables have been conducted, including International Conference “The Siberian North and the Arctic Under the Global Challenges of the XX Century” in the city of Krasnoyarsk in 2011. Also, there was developed and implemented the training course “Consideration for Interests of the Indigenous Peoples While Decision-Making in the Sphere of Subsurface Resources Management”.
- The Russian-Chinese Project “Regional Development and Cooperation between Siberia and North-Eastern China”. The Academy of Social Sciences in the province of Heilongjiang (city of Harbin, China) is the main partner of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering. The Institute was the organizer of the five Russian-Chinese conferences “Regional Development and Cooperation of Siberia, the Far-East and the North-East of China” which have been hold during 2000-2007 both in Harbin and in Novosibirsk. During 2008-2013 these conferences have transformed into the annual International Forum “Regional Development and Cooperation in the North-Eastern Asia, which is timed with the annual Harbin Fair. The leading fellows of the Institute actively participated in that Forum and made reports at the plenary sessions. Since 2014 once again a bilateral format came into life, under the title “The Forum of the Analytical Center of the Chinese-Russian Economic Cooperation”, where the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering also plays the key role. The Heilongjiang provincial Academy of social Sciences performs the publication of the Institute’s fellows articles on the problems of the social-economic development of Siberia, and they have translated into Chinese and published in China the fundamental monograph of the Institute “Siberia in the First Decades of the XXI Century”. The performance of this project makes it possible to evaluate the perspectives and risks of the economic cooperation of Russia and China and its role in the development of the eastern regions of the country.
- The Russian-Hungarian project “The Role of Science, R&D and Innovations in the Regional Development of the Central Europe and Russia” is performed within the framework of the scientific contacts of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS with the Institute of Regional Studies, HAS Center for Economic and Regional Studies (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Pecs, Hungary). This scientific team of the HAS is one of the most authoritative scientific centers among countries of the Central and Eastern Europe in the field of regional studies and regional policy. From the Hungarian side the project was headed by D.Horvat, one of the most famous scientists-regionalists in Europe, long-standing partner of our Institute, who was also a member of the editorial board of our journal “Region: Economics and Sociology”. To our deep regret, prof.Horvat has passed away in the autumn of 2015, and that was a big loss for us. Range of problems within this project in the light of the RAS reform is extremely relevant and much-needed. The results of the project may be used for developing recommendations on regionalization of the innovative policy and strengthening the influence of science and innovations on the processes of the regional development in Russia taking into account the European experience. In the framework of this project the International conference “Regional Development in the Central Europe and Russia. Territorial Differences in the Sphere of Science and Innovations” has been hold (Moscow, September 11, 2014). In the past years the cooperation between our Institute and the Institute of Regional Studies of the HAS was being performed within the project “Regional Development and Regional Policy of Hungary and Russia under Transformation”, under the plan of bilateral cooperation between the RAS and the HAS, also with the participation of the Institute of Geography RAS in Moscow. Within this project several conferences have been hold, two monographs have been published. In February-March 2016 the delegation of our Institute visited Hungary, and within that visit The Agreement about Scientific Cooperation with the Institute for Regional Studies of the HAS was signed. Thus, the present Director of the Institute of regional studies, academician Ilona Palne Kovacs continues and strengthens the line of cooperation between the IEIE SB RAS and Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Assistant to the Director on the International Relations Elena Kolobova,
Tel. +7-383-3301776; e-mail: kolobova @