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In the period of February 29-March 5, 2016 the delegation of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, including the director of the Institute academician Valery Kuleshov, deputy director doctor of economics Vyacheslav Seliverstov and head of the sector, candidate of science in economics V.Gilmundinov, visited Hungary. The receiving party has been presented by the Institute of Regional Research of the Center for Economic and regional Research within the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szent-Györgyi Albert Foundation and the Committee of Regional Science within the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The program included visiting three cities: Budapest, Debrecen and Pech.
During the visit there was a meeting with the General Secretary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences academician Adam Tyorek where participants discussed the problems of cooperation between the Russian and the Hungarian Academies of Sciences, including the problems of signing the agreement on bilateral cooperation between RAS and HAS. There were reports made by V.Kyleshov, V.Seliverstov and V.Gilmundinov at the session “Role of Science in the Development of Russia and Siberia” at the Russian Cultural Center within the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Hungary; reports at the university of the city Debrecen, meeting with the university authority.
The Russian delegation is welcomed by the ex-ambassador of Hungary to the Russian Federation György Gilyán