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Novosibirsk State University has provided the basis for the NSU Food Security Research Center. Yu.S. Otmakhova, Senior Researcher of the IEIE SB RAS, Candidate of Economics, has become director of the Center. It’s personnel consists of scientists from our institute, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, as well as specialists in food processing.
The Center will carry out interdisciplinary research on food security: defining primary biological origin of food products; developing a technology to identify counterfeit products; developing new methods of “smart genetics” to produce new varieties of wheat and other crops, a new paradigm of economic analysis of the food market and applied economic modeling in the field of food security.
Among the important tasks for the Center will be searching for new areas of research relevant to the integration projects of personnel at NSU, Novosibirsk Scientific Center and scholars of Southeast Asia; analyzing emerging technologies and products that build a foundation to promote cooperation in the framework of the “Eastern vector”.
Moreover, the Center will perform expert functions in the food security sector for federal and municipal customers in Russia, as well as for international public clients and private Russian companies.
The Center plans to work closely with SB RAS institutes, sectoral technological institutions, and organizations of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Agricultural Academy.