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In connection with transfer of most employees of Russian organizations to the self-isolation mode, subscribers have been granted access to information resources on the portal eLIBRARY.RU from their home PCs. Access is open for all categories of users including students, post-graduate students, librarians and research staff.
Access is granted to all resources the organization subscribes to, when two conditions are simultaneously fulfilled:
- the user has at least once from 1 September 2019 has logged on на from ip-addresses of the organization (with access to subscribed resources);
- the users’ form contains the organization as place of work (study).
The list of journals with access only from inside the institute:
Questions of economics
World economy and international relations
Social sciences and modernity
Society and economics
Applied quantitative methods
Theoretical problems of management practice
Regional economics: theory and practice
Russian economics journal
Sociological research
USA and Canada: economy, politics, culture
Federalism (from 2019)
Economics and mathematical methods
Economic science of modern Russia
For all questions of access refer to support service:
(7-495) 544-2494 add. 1