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XV Autumn Conference of Young Scientists in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok: Current Issues of Economics and Sociology

20 november 2019

The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Economics of the NSU invites
you to take part in the XV Autumn Conference of Young Scientists in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok: Current Issues of Economics and Sociology, which will be held from November 18 to 20, 2019.
The purpose of the conference is to create conditions and the opportunity for young scientists and students to present the results of their research work, to receive expert evaluation, recommendations for further scientific research from leading scientists of the IEIE of the SB RAS and the faculty of the NSU.

Within the program of the Conference, it is planned to have reports of leading scientists and scientific youth of Russia and neighboring countries, to hold a round table “Desk Books of a Modern Economist and Sociologist”, business games, debates and master classes.

To participate in the "XV Autumn Conference of Young Scientists in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok: Current Issues of Economics and Sociology" reports on the following main areas are accepted:
• regional economy and territorial development;
• public administration (with the support of SOPS VABT and the Institute of Industrial Markets and Infrastructure of the RANEPA);
• finance and regional investment processes (with the support of IE UB RAS);
• political and demographic trends in the sociological dimension: institutions, structures and processes;
• economics and enterprise management;
• resource and environmental economics;
• economic integration in the Asia-Pasific region (with the support of ERI FEB RAS);
• innovations and innovation systems;
• economics of digital society: theory and practice (with the support of IE UB RAS)
• sociological studies of technological and socio-economic trends in modern society;
• use of the "input-output" methodology in applied economic research (with the support of the Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS).

Full-time and distance (with the presentation of a poster report) participation is possible in the Conference.

For participation in the Conference it is required to fill in the application form (see Appendix 1 of the information letter) and send it along with the report materials to before October 15. Registration of materials is carried out in accordance with the rules specified in Appendix 2 of the information letter. The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to consider applications that are prepared with of the rules of registration.

Please note that all submitted materials are checked for plagiarism (originality not less than 65%), as well as pass through a preliminary review.
By November 1, according to the results of expert selection, registered participants are notified of the acceptance or rejection of their reports at the email addresses indicated in the applications.
The publication of a collection of conference materials with article-by-article indexation in the RSCI (example: a collection of 2018 - is planned after the event.
According to the results of expert assessment, the materials received can be recommended for publication in one of four refereed journals included in the HAC Russia list (ECO; Region: Economics and Sociology; World of Economics and Management; Journal of Economic Theory) subject to their in-person presentation at the Conference.

There will be a competition of reports among students and undergraduates. The laureates of the competition will receive memorable prizes and certificates.

More information is available in the information letter or questions may be asked by email of the organising commitee