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Director of IEIE SB RAS academician V.A. Kryukov signed Order on working arrangements of the Institute during spreading coronavirus infection on the territory of RF (with addendum from 20.03.20).
We suggest that you also refer to:
- order of the Ministry od science and higher education of RF on operation of organizations reporting to the Ministry in conditions of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection on the territory of RF;
- news items of Ministry of health of RF on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of new coronavirus infection COVID-19;
- decree of governor of Novosibirsk oblast on prevention of entry and spreading a new coronavirus infection on the territory of Novosibirsk oblast;
- recommendations of presidium of SB RAS on precaution measures in connection with spreading pandemic of a new coronavirus;
- rules for prevention of a new coronavirus infection from Pospotrebnadzor (Russian Agency for Health and Consumer Rights).