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On 12 March 2020 there was XVII conference of young scientists “Development of territorial socio-economic systems: policy and practice”.
It was organized by: Institute of economics of Urals branch of RAS (Ekaterinburg), IEIE SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Vologodski scientific center of RAS (Vologda), School of state management and entrepreneurship named after B. Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg), Perm national research polytechnic university (Perm), Central economic-mathematical institute of RAS (Moscow).
The program committee of conference included director of institute academician of RAS V.A. Kryukov and senior scientific staff of department of territorial systems O.V. Tarasova.
Information letter.
Conference sections:
Among moderators of section “Social development of territories” were junior scientific staff of department of social problems K.N. Kalashnikova, section “Problems of economic growth and sustainable development of territories” junior scientific staff of department of territorial development A.P. Temir-ool.
Contact person: senior scientific staff department of territorial systems O.V. Tarasova.
Young scientists of institute also took part in the round table "Development of territories: a view of multi-level approach”, which took place on 11 March 2020 at 15.00 in the Institute of economics of UrB RAS as part of III Scientific recitals dedicated to the memory of academician A.I. Tatarkin.
The round table discussions embraced:
- System and eco-system view on problems of territory development.
- Promising approaches to development of regions and sectors.
- Points of growth of regional economy.
- Clusters, platforms, business-incubators, techno polices, etc. as factors of mesoeconomic development.
Moderators of round table:
- leading research associate of Department of theoretical economics and mathematical research CEMI RAS, Cand. Sci. Economics A.A. Kobylko
- senior scientific staff of sector modeling industrial objects and complexes of CEMI RAS, Cand.Sc.Economics M.A. Rybachuk